Our Services.
Care management is a service directed at coordinating existing community resources to provide appropriate and continuous care for individuals in order to meet a variety of needs.
As your care managers, we will assume responsibility for identifying needs, planning and arranging services, and monitoring those services.
What We Offer
Comprehensive in-home assessment
Crisis intervention and management
Developing plans of care to stabilize and offer the highest quality of life
Communicating medical issues and concerns with staff in assisted living, nursing homes, and hospitals to ensure a high quality of life
In-home geriatric psychotherapy *NEW*
Referring, coordinating, and managing household and health care services
Referrals to geriatric specialists such as elder care attorneys, financial advisors, and physicians
Counseling and support for seniors and their caregivers, and in-home psychotherapy
Housing and relocation planning
Advocating for clients
What is a Geriatric Care Manager?
Geriatric care management is a service directed at coordinating existing community resources to provide appropriate and continuous care for individuals in order to meet a variety of needs. As your care managers, we will assume responsibility for identifying needs, planning and arranging services, and monitoring those services.
We are dedicated to caring for your loved one with compassion. We believe it is important to preserve your loved one’s independence and dignity, and to promote graceful aging.
Is someone you know and love...
Showing signs of confusion or forgetfulness?
Having problems managing medications?
Having problems keeping appointments?
Having trouble managing business and household affairs?
Had a recent health problem that changed their ability to live alone?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, call us to discuss how we can help!